/About KAPNA
About KAPNA2019-06-02T20:40:39+01:00

Evidence-Based Learning

KAPNA International Academy is a vibrant, happy, learning community that offers value-based education for your child. Our goal is to develop a confident, well-rounded student, who will possess relevant skills to be actively engaged in tackling 21st Century challenges.

As a passionate citadel of learning, we are committed to equipping our students with life, career, and innovative skills towards creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, leadership and responsibility as well as productivity and accountability.

We invite you to take a tour of our facility as we promise to ensure your child experiences 21st Century Learning that set him/her up to be a productive leader and an active global citizen.

A Hallmark Of Excellence

KAPNA International Academy remains dedicated to, not just mental and physical, but to social development of her pupils. While we have adopted international standards to ensure our pupils are able to compete with their counterparts anywhere in the world, we always remind them of the rich cultural heritage in Nigeria.

Irrespective of the pressure of modernisation and civilisation, our pupils are groomed with high moral standards through an enriched and value-based curriculum that is geared towards academic excellence and character building.

All-Encompassing Learning Approach

KAPNA International Academy boasts of fun and flexible learning spaces. We strongly believe that the only thing a school should be concerned with is student learning. Everything that we do is strategic and deliberate, particularly as it relates to why, what and how students should learn and assessing whether or not students are learning. This is why academic achievement is tracked on all students with the belief that all will be successful.

“Knowledge knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Quality education is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries furthest, the works of thought and intelligence.”


Our Admission Process Is Simple

Visit the School for information on how to Register your Kids or click the button below to contact us.

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